Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sarah Moon


" I never photograph reality"- Sarah Moon

Sarah Moon is a wonderful French Born photographer (1941) who started her
 career as an insider in the Fashion World, she was a Model from 1960 to 1966,and  then switched to  Fashion Photography in 1970, she handled  campaigns for Cacharel, Dior, Chanel and Vogue;After 15 years of career she decided to develop a more introspective, personal and art oriented work, always searching for the detachment of reality.
This reality evasion is certainly coming across her images, the blur, the long time exposure, the background nonexistence at will; produced this imprecision that translates in to what is not recognizable in the tangible world, but in the subconscious level of our minds.
All photography shown is copyrighted to the artist

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A breather....

It was a breather in the middle of the winter, a quick beach stop when nobody is there.
The cold was still. Even when I came back.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


The tragedy in Japan has touched so many lives,The earthquake, the subsequent tsunami and the eminent danger of a nuclear disaster makes things even more dire by the minute. The need for donations and support is increasing as the days go by; there are several organization that are taking even the smallest of donations that will be directed for relief efforts, some of those links are below:
Red Cross
Habitat for Humanity

It is an honor for me to belong to a community which in the last week has shown what can be done when compassion and caring are the engines that propel the motion of helping. Several photographers based donations and online and live auction efforts are up and running. Donations from photographers throughout the world are pouring in, and it gives me a warm feeling, that even in the darkest of circumstances there is always a better nature within us that make us do selfless deed.

Below you can check some of the links I am aware of, which are photographic community related trying to raise some money one way or another, so if you feel in the spirit of getting a good print by superb photographers this is the opportunity you were waiting for. In most cases 100% of the proceeds will go towards a verifiable organization working on the Japan relief efforts.
.wall-space gallery.

On my neck of the woods, there would be a live silent auction this coming Saturday at The Jennifer Schwarz Gallery in Atlanta, all works were 100% donated by photographers from the US and around the world. you can also place absentee bids by e-mailing, from 11 am to 5pm EST.
The link for the images involved on the silent live auction is here LIFE-SUPPORT JAPAN AUCTION

Monday, March 14, 2011


The beautiful problems that day. Tried to correct it but there was no need.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I am in Love

My new friend, confident and traveler buddy...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Results are in for Possible Landscapes.

After almost two weeks since the competition closed results are in for "Mirando el Espacio Verde" (Looking at The Green Space) are in. Congratulations to all participants and hoping that this initiative can be spread throughout the South American Continent and beyond.

The first three wining images shared a content of criticism well beyond expected, I am really pleased with that.
It has been an honor to be part of this effort on trying to give a little push to the photography world in South America.

First Place/Primer Lugar "Respiro"

Second Place/Segundo Lugar "Naturaleza Encerrada"

Third Place/ Tercer Lugar (32 de Marzo-Maracaibo recibe el otono"

Honorary Mention/ Mención Honorífica "Verde mirando a Verde"

 Honorary Mention/ Mención Honorífica "Integración de los seres humanos en los espacios verdes"

Honorary Mention/ Mención Honorífica "La ciudad llena de colores"

Después de dos semanas de haber finalizado la competencia fotográfica “Mirando el Espacio Verde” Maracaibo, los resultados se dieron a conocer hoy. Felicitaciones a todos los ganadores y espero que la iniciativa se extienda a varias partes del continente Sur Americano.
Las tres imágenes ganadoras tienen un contenido crítico solido, elemento resaltante dentro de los resultados. Ha sido un honor el haber participado en esta iniciativa, y darle un poco de apoyo a la fotografía en Sur América.